Prof. Silvia Giordani Delivers Lecture on Carbon Nano-Onions for drug delivery at the 8th BenBedPhar COST action Scientific meeting in Lisbon, Portugal

Prof. Silvia Giordani Delivers Lecture on Carbon Nano-Onions for drug delivery.

Prof. Silvia Giordani presented our latest results on drug delivery using Carbon Nano Onions at the 8th BenBedPhar COST action Scientific meeting “Thirty years since the discovery of NRF2”. The meeting took place at NOVA Medical School in Lisbon, Portugal on the 10th and 11th of October 2024.

Silvia Giordani
Silvia Giordani
Full Professor Chair of Nanomaterials

My research interests are in the design, synthesis, and characterization of hybrid smart nanomaterials for biomedical, energy and environmental applications